Getting Started Guide

Welcome to the AngelList Relay API! This guide will walk you through the basics of using our API to fetch your portfolio data and integrate it with other platforms like AirTable.


  1. An AngelList Relay account. If you don't have one, sign up here.
  2. Basic understanding of REST APIs and how to make HTTP requests.

Step 1: Generate Your API Key

  1. Log in to your AngelList Relay dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the API Key section under settings.
  3. Click on "Generate New API Key" and give it an appropriate name.
  4. Store this key safely; it's your unique identifier and shouldn't be shared.

Step 2: Make Your First Request

Now that you have your API key, let's make your first request to fetch a list of companies in your portfolio.

Here's a sample curl command to do this:

curl -H "Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY"

Replace YOUR_API_KEY with the API key you generated.

Step 3: Handle the Response

Your request will return a JSON payload that looks something like this:

    "data": [
            "id": "some-id",
            "legalName": "Some Company",
            "createdAt": "some-timestamp",
            "funds": [
                    "id": "some-fund-id",
                    "name": "Some Fund"
    "total": 1,
    "hasNextPage": false,
    "nextCursor": null

Step 4: Pagination

To fetch more records, use the nextCursor value in the cursor query parameter for the next request.

curl -H "Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY" ''

Replace NEXT_CURSOR with the value you received in the previous response.

Step 5: Fetch Specific Company Updates

To fetch updates for a specific company, use the /v1/company/{id}/updates endpoint, replacing {id} with the company's ID.

curl -H "Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY"{id}/updates

Replace {id} with the company ID you are interested in.

Wrapping Up

Congratulations, you've just made your first successful requests to the AngelList Relay API! You can now proceed to integrate it into your applications or sync it with other platforms like AirTable.

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