Error troubleshooting

JWT Flow Errors

A sign that an error has occurred is when you are stuck on a loading screen. The first step to debugging the error is to open the browser's developer console and look at the error codes.

Below are common errors you may experience when you integrate with AngelList's JWT flow, what they mean, and if it's not apparent, ways to remediate the problem.

Invalid Compact JWT

This error means there is an error with validating the JWT after Base64-decoding the extToken.

  1. Is extToken a Base64 encoded JWT?
  2. Is the JWT in the JWS Compact format? You can use to verify it's a valid JWT.

Invalid Token

Does the JWT payload contain all the required fields in JWT Claims Set?


  1. Is iss passed in the JWT Claims Set?
  2. Did you provide the AngelList team with your organization's public key?
  3. Have you created the transaction using the createTransaction mutation?

Invalid token

  1. Is aud set to "angellist"?
  2. Did you include accountEmail and transactionId in the JWT Claims Set?

Unable to verify recipient

Did you include transmitToken in the JWT Claims Set?