Using the JWT flow

This guide helps you set up your JWT flow to onboard a new user on AngelList


AngelList uses the JSON Web Token (JWT) for authentication and information exchange.

A static URL can be called with a base64 encoded JWT in a query param as such:

Production Static URL${extToken}

Staging Static URL${extToken}

Before you start

1. Create private-public key pair

For authentication, you will need to generate a private/public key pair using RSA256. RSA256 requires key modulus length to be 2048 bits or larger.

The private key is used to sign the JWT.

The public key is needed for AngelList to verify that the request came from your organization.

2. Send us the public key

Please send the AngelList team the public key with exponent in JWK format.

    "kty": "RSA",
    "e": "AQAB",
    "use": "sig",
    "kid": "hHuBYDW67nKB1c3gPkDxHtJ1_7NU11svQKIp4Wc5Nhc",
    "alg": "RS256",
    "n": "ovzBN2aEijJ0LFYGrqzAZL0X8Ghh0oBYe4R6-k6VQDVGlkdhwCdESMMrF1j7jI1rJp8bXjWgVXIyvVVIPDvFJvCF1c0sxHafLt062N073VYI0fzKOztUi8_Wd3gUdy2myi1oEVnq18dn4qjJ3XbfPkIqfq5xIpETLDZWCCu2w6XhegFKiTd6mZWmvNPuoUUV2bwRETU9uXt34qEMloxbtcPFEModO8rwPwKga0SgRizlxjGcnx4sYeyXdzWc6tfqEk4xWS5JM23lV7jcGPjexAKO5w5RAE9Q8K70qquFXvuKrJpulrrIFB8FVth7lHbMzTJBiy9nLNIMfGlwnttB8Q"


1. Create the transaction

The request can only be made for an existing transaction. Use the GraphQL API to create a transaction

2. Create the JWS

This section provides guidelines for creating the JWT. The JWT must be in the JWS Compact format.


The JWT must be signed with the private key you generated in the previous step.

Claims Set

iss✔️stringAngelList organization id for your organization
sub✔️stringyour organization’s account id or another unique identifier
aud✔️stringThis should always be "angellist"
exp✔️numberExpiration time
iat✔️numberTime JWT was issued
transactionId✔️stringTransaction Id for initial and returning users
transmitToken✔️stringToken from the createTransaction response
accountEmail✔️stringEmail address of the account. An AngelList user will be created with this email if one does not exist already.
accountNamestringName of account. If you are making a request for an account that does not already exist in AngelList, you must provide the accountName.


  "alg": "RS256",
  "typ": "JWT"

3. Create the extToken

Apply Base64 encoding on the JWS to create the extToken.

After you create the JWT (in the JWS Compact format), it must be Base64 encoded to create the extToken.

Nova extToken creation

4. Calling the AngelList Static URL

Initial Onboarding

  1. First-time User clicks the "Start Onboarding" button somewhere on your website.
  2. You use createTransaction mutation to create the transaction.
  3. You generate the extToken and pass it via query param to the static URL for the environment you are using.
  4. User is redirected to the appropriate transaction page to complete their onboarding tasks.

Resume onboarding

  1. User logs in to your website.
  2. User clicks on the "Resume Subscription" button somewhere on your website.
  3. You generate the extToken and pass it via query param to the static URL for the environment you are using.
  4. User is redirected to the appropriate transaction page to complete their onboarding tasks.
  5. User completes the onboarding tasks.
  6. AngelList calls your webhook endpoint.


Having trouble with implementing the JWT flow? Check out the common errors and how to debug them in Error troubleshooting